
The optimal, pioneering v3 AMM DEX on Kroma network.


Key Participants

  • Traders: Traders are the active participants in the V3 AMM DEX ecosystem, driving the buying and selling of digital assets. As a result of the trader's transaction, the swap ratio of the liquidity pool changes within the affected price range. If the liquidity of one asset decreases relative to the other asset in a price range, the swap ratio shifts to reflect this change, ensuring that trades maintain price efficiency. This continuous rebalancing process ensures that the liquidity pool remains responsive to market conditions, providing traders with competitive swap rates across different price ranges.

  • Liquidity Providers (LPs): LPs are crucial participants who supply liquidity to the exchange by depositing asset pairs into liquidity pools. They earn a share of trading fees proportional to their contribution. LPs play a vital role in ensuring there is sufficient liquidity available for traders, thereby facilitating efficient trading across various asset pairs.


  • Concentration of Liquidity: Unlike traditional order book-based exchanges, V3 AMM DEXs centralize liquidity within specific price ranges by segmenting liquidity pools into discrete price intervals known as price ticks. Liquidity providers deposit assets to these pools.

  • Price Range Orders: Traders can execute trades within predefined price ranges determined by the price ticks. Each trade affects the liquidity of the particular price range where it occurs, rather than impacting the entire pool.

  • Dynamic Fee Tiers: V3 AMM DEXs often employ dynamic fee tiers based on liquidity depth and asset volatility. Trades executed in price ranges with lower liquidity may incur higher fees, incentivizing LPs to provide liquidity across a broader range of prices.

Our Vision

At Prixmswap, our vision is to expand mainnet ecosystem by providing accessible, transparent, and efficient DEX for our users, regardless of their Web3 background or location. We are dedicated to expanding the Kroma ecosystem by integrating Prixmswap as a cornerstone platform, fostering synergy and growth across all Kroma Network protocols.

Key Pillars of Our Vision:

  1. Accessibility: We believe in providing a user-friendly platform that anyone can use to trade assets seamlessly. Our UI/UX make it easy for both novice and experienced traders to participate in.

  2. Innovation: We are committed to introduce new features and functionalities that reduce slippage and fee, and optimize capital efficiency and swap route for every users.

  3. Community-Centric Approach: We are centered around building an inclusive community of users and stakeholders who share our vision for ecosystem expansion. We believe that collaboration and shared knowledge are essential for driving the continued growth of Prixmswap. Moreover, by expanding the Kroma ecosystem, we aim to create synergies between Prixmswap and other Kroma network protocols, fostering a thriving ecosystem of interconnected dApps.

  4. Transparency and Security: We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and security to safeguard our users' assets and data. Through open communication, regular audits, and proactive 24/7 risk management done by internal security team, we aim to ensure confidence in our platform.

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